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012 644 1290

Physical address:

Unit 27 Norma Jean Square
244 Jean Avenue

Start today:

Life Insurance, Disability and Critical Illness Cover
Face your mortality and life’s financial risks. No regrets. As we are now staring at a difficult time ahead of us. We must face our fears and act upon it.
Retirement Planning and Investments
Personalised consultation and planning are custom-made to ensure optimum results based on your affordability and requirements.
Estate Planning and
Our vast experience in the field of wealth management puts us in the driving seat to ensure that your estate will be well managed.
Medical Aid and
Gap Cover
With a vast variety of plans and options available, let us narrow it down to what will work best for you and your family’s needs.
Accounting and Tax
Our team of specialists is enabled to effectively attend to all business requirements and advice.
Statutory Services and Compliance
Through us and our experienced partners, we provide the full suite of statutory and secretarial services required for business entities and trusts to comply with legislation.